It’s late at night. The temperatures rapidly drop without a second’s notice. It’s the middle of one of Toronto’s sub-zero ice storms. You body reacts to the cold, and you reach towards the control panel. The only problem, your furnace is not working.
If you are not on AccuServ´s maintenance plan for your furnace and haven´t had the chance to book a maintenance, we highly commended you do so. Having an annual furnace maintenance gives you the comfort and confidence throughout the year.

However, there are some things you as a furnace owner can do before calling AccuServ. Here are 6 things which can be checked and resolved by yourself.
1. Check if the furnace is on
This one might seem obvious. However, sometimes the power switch looks like a typical light switch with ON/OFF written on it. And as such, it can easily be mistaken for a light switch. A well-meaning guest during Christmas holidays just might make the mistake.
2. Check the batteries in your thermostat
Inspect the screen of your thermostat to check if it needs new batteries. It will indicate to you if the batteries are full or need to be replaced. Most of the time you can replace the batteries by prying off the thermostat cover and replacing them. AA batteries are the one you most likely will need.
3. Check the thermostat temperature setting
Turn the temperature setting down below the current temperature and then turn it back up about 5 degrees above the current temperature and wait to see if the furnace is activated and turns on.
4. Check if your filter is clean
A clogged or dirty filter is one of the most common reasons for furnace equipment not working. The clogged filter will negatively affect the airflow throughout your house and HVAC system. Because of the lack of fresh air, the heat exchanger in your furnace will become too hot and deactivate. At this stage, you should get a technician to come and check your equipment. To prevent all of this from happening you should replace the air filter on a regularly basis to prevent dirt from infecting the air supply.
5. Check if your registers are open and not blocked
Your furnace is not able to pull in air if your registers have been blocked. This reduces its airflow and make it seem like the furnace is not producing heat. So, be sure to check!
6. Check if your intake vent is free of snow
Whether it’s the not-so-nice neighbour plowing his snow on your side, your children build an elaborate snow fort, or father winter deciding to pile snow on the side of your house. Snow drift will block off your intake vent on the side of your home and shuts down your furnace. So, make sure your furnace is clear of snow.
If you have checked everything on this list and your furnace is still not working, do not hesitate to contact us or to call us at (416) 269-2228. The professional assistance of technicians at AccuServ are ready at your disposal to perform 21-point inspection and tune up at any time of the year. Our service in East York can ensure your furnace is working in top form.